Language of the High Lands
Language of the High Lands
Confusion reigns in the misty isles as visitors ask about the difference between a farm, a croft , a small holding, a shed, a barn, an outhouse and all those other quirky words which populate the language of high lands.
You can have a shed on your croft or a barn on your smallholding, acreage, or as it is now known hectarage but it is impossible to put a farm on a croft.
They each mean very specific things as follows;
A Shed is - a shed
A Barn is - a barn
A Croft is a smallholding and a farm is a big smallholding.
A croft you could go round in twenty minutes on a bicycle but a farm might take a bit longer if for any particular reason you would want to do such a thing.
There is a tale about a Texan who travelled the Highlands of Scotland to see what it was all about and upon meeting a local he asked the fellow what he did. He explained that he was a crofter, a word the Texan had never heard before but, explained that a croft was a sort of small farmer.
Upon hearing the word farmer the Texan could not resist telling the crofter that he had a farm which he was unable to drive all around in a day to which the Highlander replied’
“I had a car like that once.”
Beware of highland sages.
From I, Me, Moi.
Alan the Gallant